
Aggressive Behavior Within The Secondary Classroom

Better Essays

TED 8000-502 Classroom Management
Elizabeth Wessling
July 23, 2015

Aggressive Behavior in the Secondary Classroom
Kate Bolshakova
University of Nebraska at Omaha

One of the primary functions of schools is to provide a safe environment conductive to learning. Although cases of school violence have been steadily decreasing over the past three decades, the safety of the school environment is still an issue. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, in 2011, 33% of students in grades 9 through 12 reported that they had been in a physical fight in the previous 12 months, and 12% reported that they had fought on school property. 17% of high school students reported that they had carried a weapon anywhere on at least one day during the previous 30 days, while 5% admitted carrying a weapon on school property. For students aged 12-18, the rates of violent victimization in 2011 were higher at school than away from school. Students are not the only ones to face the problem of physical violence at school. During the 2007-2008 school year 7% of teachers were threatened with injury by a student from their school.
Fighting, bullying, threatening and other forms of hostility in the secondary school setting present a serious challenge to the physical safety and psychological security of everyone. Physical and verbal aggression arises from the complex interpersonal and intrapersonal factors. When adolescents from diverse backgrounds

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