
Air Asia Aims to be the Largest, Low Cost Airline Essay

Decent Essays

Air Asia was originally founded by government on 2nd December in year 2001 and was bought by Tony Fernandes. Air Asia was established in year 1993 and has travel around the world in the hope of ascending to become the worlds best in year 2001. Air Asia continues to increase alternatives for low-cost aviation through tremendous innovation, efficiency and passionate approach to business with a route a network that extent through over 20 countries. Air Asia X, Thai Air Asia, Philippines’ Air Asia Inc., Air Asia Japan and Indonesia are companies that link with Air Asia in Malaysia. In addition, for the vision part in Air Asia, it aims to be the largest low cost air line in Asia by serving the 3 billion of people who are currently underserved …show more content…

Innovation in the service provided to the customers should be planned and carry out to maximize the business performance. The improvement in customer service (CS) for airlines business can be linked with the measurements of service quality like tangible features (TF), schedule, services provided by ground staff (GS) and flight attendants (FA), online services (OS), food services (FS) and level of passenger conciliation. According to Brown (1991), service quality (SQ) is difficult to define because of the intangible nature of the service offering. The definition of quality may differ from situation to situation and from person to person. In this study, CS towards SQ was focused on Air Asia Malaysia. By applying the measurements of SQ like TF, schedule, services provided by GS and FS, OS, FS and level of passenger conciliation, the researchers have identified the dimension of SQ that affects the CS. This dimension serves as the most critical dimension for Air Asia. By conducting this study, the information and results have practical implications for Air Asia’ managers as they can allocate company resources to make improvement for CS. 1.2 Problem Statement A focus of quality is important to service business and it has acted as a basic for organization to live the competition in order to get society’s

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