
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups

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Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups are a fellowship of family individuals and companions of alcoholics who share their encounters, quality and expectation to discover an answer for their basic problem. We trust that liquor addiction is an illness of the family, and that a difference in attitude can help recovery. Al-Anon isn't aligned with any group or religion, political element, organization or establishment; does not partake in contentions; does not support or fight any cause. There is no fee to become a member. Al-Anon maintains itself through the voluntary contributions of its members. Alcoholism is globally recognized as a disease characterized by the compulsive need to drink, which can be controlled but not cured. It is a progressive …show more content…

Substance abuse and mental illness are connected in a few ways. Regularly, a man experiences dysfunctional behaviors, for example, sadness and post- traumatic anxiety issue (PTSD) utilizing alcohol or drugs to self-sedate. At times utilizing the drug itself prompts psychological instability, as may happen with the delayed utilization of stimulating drugs. At last, dependence on drugs and alcohol themselves are viewed as dysfunctional behaviors in their own right. The connection between substance abuse and mental illness is frequent to the point that individuals who are getting treatment for drug dependence are normally accepted to have basic emotional well-being issues. The casualties of nervousness issue frequently turn to depressants, for example, alcohol and prescription narcotics to diminish stress and help in relaxation. So also, individuals who have chronic depression once in a while depend intensely on stimulants and drugs that adjust state of mind to dormancy self-cure and defend you from unhappiness. The combination of substance abuse and mental illness often makes it impossible for the victim to function normally in daily life. The effects of substance abuse often include difficulty maintaining personal

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