Life is so ironic. Don't you think?? I mean, a little too ironic... and, yeah I really do agree with the words of Alanis Morissette. She did manage to win multiple Grammy awards for her "Ironic" song that described the numerous life paradoxes that so many of us found ourselves not only able to sing a long to but able to relate to in some way or another. Sunny days wouldn't be so special if it wasn't for rain. Joy simply wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain. I believe it takes real sadness to know real happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence. Appreciation is a critical skill. I believe it is mastered by understanding. Beauty is everywhere but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To me, life is beautiful.
Could it be true that the act of seeing the simplicity and beauty in the world around us could create a happier life? There is much more to see beyond the natural obvious. Dillard explains, “But the artificial obvious is hard to see. My eyes account for less than one percent of the weight of my head. I’m bony and dense; I see what I expect.”
Being thankful for what you already posses is essential for living a happy life, as it is healthy to focus on the things you already have and to not focus on the things others have. In the story “Marigolds” by Eugenia W. Collier and the story “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs, both authors gives examples as to why it is important to be thankful for what you already have, and to not dwell on what others might have that you don't.
Understanding the beauty in nature has always been a struggle of mine. In this world of iPhones, laptops, and television at our fingertips, one can become trapped in the black hole of becoming disconnected with nature. I have always planted a flower garden and watching each color try to outshine the other showed me the purest of joys in life; everyone has a pull inside their natural being to be one with nature. Looking at all the awesome creatures God has made for this Earth made me realize that He wants us to enjoy our time on this physical land while we can.
name is also ironic, because she trys to provide hope, but is in fact empty in
In life, there are so many things we take for granted. Some of the most beautiful things we see and
Humanity is constantly searching for this idea of inner peace. In a modern world of sometimes seemingly endless suffering, how can one interpret this idea of peace into their daily life? The ancient Taoist text, the Daodejing of Laozi, makes many lofty and vague sentiments about how to find piece and rise above inner struggle in order to find an abstract “Way” which will guide one to inner piece. However, this text leaves much to be desired in how one is supposed to find this way amidst a world that is often very painful and bleak. Shane Koyczan’s spoken word poem “Instructions for a Bad Day” focuses less on the idea of finding you way, and more about overcoming current struggles. Life, however, is neither just overcoming struggle, nor just finding your way. It is a constant struggle between rising over pain, and finding inner happiness. These two texts together, though, examine the ways in which one can rise above their struggles into this greater “way” of living. Together, these pieces argue that one can make their own inner peace by accepting that pain is as much a part of living as happiness is, and by allowing these two things to cycle in and out of their lives naturally without fighting against either.
What I find blatantly ironic about this nursery rhyme-eqsue song is that it does, in fact, point
Life is not what we want it to be sometimes, but we have to learn and adjust to it. Yet each and every day we are blessed with so many things that happen, starting with the fact that we wake up in the morning to another day ahead. And each day, every single one of us has something to be grateful for. But the more we focus on what we have to be grateful for in our lives, the easier it will be to deal with the challenges and tests that we may face as well. Having a good life is very blessing
I apologize for not seeing this before I called you back on Monday morning! Since school still hadn't begun, my mother and I were just checking the WebMails at night, but I have not been home the past night and day. Also, I believe I sent a blank message, and I apologize for that as well; I am still getting used to Connexus.
“Only those who seek within, get to discover their true unconditional happiness.” -Edmond Mbiaka. Within any life, true happiness can only be attained through one’s journey in finding their own value. One may be happy, but true happiness can be felt only after hard work and privation.
Instead, happiness is what gives one the ability to get through their current circumstance. People think that in order for someone to be considered happy, one has to be pleased by their circumstance. However, we must realize that pleasure is
Ever since I was little, I have always appreciated what I had in my life. When I was four years old, my dad passed away. I only have little, short memories, but I can still remember him. It’s like I’m missing half of the pieces to a puzzle. Losing him has made me realize how fortunate I am to have a family. Every day, I work as hard as I can and try to be the best person I can be, to make him proud.
For centuries, people have existed. But have they lived? Have they loved? Have they seen the beauty in the world around them? Are these even valuable goals for humankind? Through his historical fiction novel All the Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr identifies the tenacity of humankind, their commitment to living, and the intimate dependency they have upon optimism, framing his exploration of these questions in a world that is full of amazement, humility, and gratuity, at scales surpassing and underlying the mediocrity of life- scales, Doerr argues, that should evoke awareness, humility, and compassion in their pursuit of life, love, and beauty- thereby justifying these pursuits.
This is an inspirational song for an average teenage girl, but as I pointed out there were some contradictions to the lyrics and the meaning. They may want to see themselves as beautiful in every way possible, but the world is a puzzle and there is a piece that is gone because of what has become socially acceptable.
Thesis Statement: We should appreciate what we have before we lose it because the grass is not always greener on the other side.