
Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory

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Mass shootings, youth violence, and anti-social behaviors have caused society to point their finger at video games. Video game reformists claim that video game violence causes aggressive behavior which result in violent acts. The best way to approach society’s claim is with Albert Bandura’s cognitive-behavioral “Modeling” approach. This research shows that although video game violence may condone aggressive behavior, it is not the only factor triggering individuals to act aggressively or perform violent acts.
The “Modeling” Approach
Social Learning Theory
In the early 1970’s, Albert Bandura and a team of researchers analyzed behavior and its environmental stimuli. Their groundbreaking conceptual and empirical evidence founded a new …show more content…

Bandura’s theory, “places special emphasis on the important roles played by vicarious, symbolic, and self-regulatory processes which receive relatively little attention even in the most contemporary theories of learning. These differences in governing processes carry certain implications for the way one views the causes of human behavior… virtually all learning phenomena resulting from direct experiences can occur on a vicarious basis through observation of other people’s resulting from direct experiences can occur on a vicarious basis through observation of other people’s behavior and its consequences for them.”
Modeling and Aggression.
Since Social Learning Theory became one of the primary theoretical explanations of human behavior in 1976, other research studies have produced numerous other modeling and imitation theories. One such theory, From Antecedent Conditions To Violent Actions: A General Effective Aggression Model (performed in 2004), suggests that factors increase aggression by increasing aggressive affect, aggressive cognition, or arousal.
Cognitive and Behavioral Effects
This theory presented findings from for experiments that were performed to test the effects of trait hostility, pain, and cognitive cues on state hostility (1), on lexical decisions for aggressive and control words (2), on escape motives (3), and on aggressive behavior (4). The findings were consistent with the

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