
Alfred Barr Case

Decent Essays

In 1929, a new institution named The Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) was founded. After his European trip, Barr for two years was concentrated in his lectures and writing aiming to share the exciting discoveries of him with his students and followers. The trustees of MoMA, such as Rockefeller and many other important art collector and intellectual agreed on giving the director position of the museum to Alfred Barr. Sachs and Morey played a big part in this decision as they gave good and trustworthy recommendations. Specially Sachs on purposely proposed Barr as a candidate when himself was being interviewed. Making Barr a part of this museum was a beneficial act for itself as there was no other possible candidate you could devote himself to modern art and this museum. As …show more content…

Yet, I believe that American art is in the end more valuable to us for what it tells us about American than for its contribution to any international tradition” (Gordon 238). I believe that, Barr’s honesty to other cultures art works and investigating their transcendence ameliorated his intellectuality. He always looks for the best value aiming to create a worldwide understanding in fairness and clarity. If today modern American and European art are among the most studied topics in the history of art, it is definitely due to the work and life of Alfred Barr, and his exhibition and catalogue of “Cubism and Abstract Art” 1936. His understanding of modernism shown in the chart that accompanied the exhibition as a visual tool for creating a logical understanding of the transcendence of the movements and their developments which helped to create a pure modernist style. This is probably one of the most significant accomplishment of Barr so far in his life, for creating an understanding for a civilization as he gathered all of his

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