
Alfred Nobel's Definition Of A Hero

Decent Essays

“ A hero is someone who has given his or her life too something than oneself,” sayed by the mythologist, writer and lecturer, Joseph Campbell. A hero can be represented in many ways such as this one, which is why so many around the world have their own heroes. Whether they have saved lives, singers, actors, or regular day people you wouldn’t think of. Qualities of heroes are what make them how we view them in this era, such as a person’s personality or past.

An example of what may make someone heroic may be what they have done in their work or life. FIrst, someones past can very much them heroic, or hated. Especially in the modern era, many will look upon someone’s past to decide if they are a heroic person. For example, Alfred Nobel had a past of designing weapons for the military, but spent most of ` his money encouraging and supporting the arts and sciences. So, would his past make him a person not worthy of hero status or what has he has contributed to the arts and sciences make him a hero? Many would think him as a hero, due to his contribution to the arts and sciences most likely have aided the U.S. in the area of study. He might of not been a hero back when he made weapons for the military, but has most likely looked back and saw he made a wrong decision and …show more content…

For example, in the “Pursuit of Happiness,” the protagonist, Christopher, was in a tough situation, having no home, one kid, and no job. But he did not give up on his or his son’s life, so he went to earn a better one. He signed up to become an intern for a company and worked everyday, every night, to earn the job. Then, after a couple months as an intern, he earned the job and knew after his hard work and dedication that it was all worth it. People have looked back on this true story of Chris Garner and his son, seeing them as true heroes for their courage, attitude, and personalities in their difficult

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