
Alice Walker Heritage

Decent Essays

Everyone has different views on culture and how to preserve it. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker is a story about two sisters and their mother. The two sisters have completely different ideas on how to preserve their heritage. Mama has to basically choose which way is better. Maggie wants to continue her heritage, and Dee wants to save itl. First, in the story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, Maggie and Dee are sisters. They grew up in a home together, but unfortunately it burned down. Unlike Maggie, who loved the home, Dee watched the house burn while standing by a sweetgum tree. Mama knew Dee must’ve been happy. Dee was a very high-maintenance child. She wanted the best of the best, and wouldn’t accept any less. Maggie, though, was more of a tomboy. They grew up and became completely different people as well. “As Mama stated,”She will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe.” Dee is and always …show more content…

Dee has moved off to the city and has started a life of her own. Dee hated her home before she moved, and she hasn’t seen the new house Mama and Maggie live in. Since it is just like the one that burned down, Mama is positive Dee will hate it and want to tear it down. Dee does not appreciate her heritage. She has changed her name, religion, and lifestyle to leave her culture behind. Dee wants everything shiny and everything luxurious. When she asks for the same quilts Maggie plans to keep, she explains how she is going to use them for decoration, and how Maggie will just let them be turned to trash. Dee is intelligent, but she is shameful of her heritage. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker is a story about two sisters and their mother. Maggie and Dee want to preserve their heritage, but they want to do it in two different ways. Maggie wants to live it, and Dee wants to put it up for decoration. They are both very different, and Mama has her opinion on

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