
Alien Invasion : The Reality Of Illegal Immigration

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Alien Invasion: The Reality of Illegal Immigration As the United States has become a home to an immense amount of illegal immigrants, Americans question themselves ‘who really pays the price?’ There has been extensive discussion in Washington politics regarding the broad topic of an immigration reform. In fact, it is being discussed among the current presidential candidates. The most sensitive subtopic of immigration reform is how to address illegal immigration. This topic needs to be addressed because statistics illustrate the detrimental economic effects, the harmful effects on communities, and how illegal immigrants themselves are harmed by having the status of “illegal”. What is the price America is paying to have a large illegal …show more content…

Schlafly observes how the community is affected and the land they use to raise livestock. The residents try to clean up all the trash from various cites as often as they can because cattle or other wildlife will eat the plastic and refuse and die. The landscape of our southern states pays a price for the illegal immigrant pathways. America has spent many years vaccinating its generations to prevent the surge of diseases such as tuberculosis, measles, rubella, and other diseases. Does American health pay a price for illegal entry? When illegal immigrants come from a country, some bring in diseases from their native country because they are not properly screened or vaccinated for diseases. Schlafly explains that, “10 percent of all illegals are carriers of Chagas, a potentially fatal disease that is widespread in Central America” (55). Even Cholera has seen a re-emergence in the recent decade. When combining disease-bearing immigrants with food related labor, it forms a food borne illness outbreak. These outbreaks require health funds, inspectors, health officials, and new protocols to be created to protect our citizens. This creates a health threat and another economic costs within our borders. The many issues of illegals and the problems that come up can be discussed forever… but what can be done to fix the problem? Border control comes up as the first measure.

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