A young girl, looking to be about the age of seven, ran through the log cabin with a small dog chasing her, yapping loudly. Her giggling made her father smile tenderly and, to the child’s surprise, snatched her up and held her close to him. She wrapped her short arms around her father’s neck and received a kiss on the forehead in reply. The mutt jumped up, leaning on the man’s legs for support as it stood on its hind legs. Its tail wagged excitedly, showing that it was in a playful mood at the time being. The girl’s father set her down on the floor and the dog licked her face, making her shy away slightly before hugging the dog’s neck. “Hey, papa?” The little girl said, petting the dog slowly as she called out to her father. …show more content…
“Alistair Speir, immigrant from Haglea, came here by ship two months prior.” “How do you know all that?” Alistair questioned demandingly, looking up at the royalty with a new found anger growing from fear. Szilvia glared down at him with her third, blind eye, a low growl in her throat nearly inaudible. Kyra understood all too well what was happening and she pitied the fool beneath her. “Kyra,” Queen Szilvia grabbed the elf’s attention, without bothering to lower her stare. “Teach him what happens when you look the queen in the eye.” Kyra bowed her head respectfully before turning back to Alistair. “Hold him still, please” Kyra said in deceiving honey tones, the guards themselves slightly terrified by the gleam in her crystal blue eyes. They obeyed her order though this only caused Alistair to become more unsettled. The elven raised her left hand to trace light patterns under the man’s right eye, dragging her fingertips across his rough skin. Then with a swift motion, she jabbed him in the eye with two of her fingers, twisting them violently within the eye socket. Both Alistair and the guards were shocked by the brutal action displayed by such a lovely
Instead the emperor’s gold-webbed eyes trained on Bree’s belly, and the princess covered it with both hands, instinctively protective. Torriq’s pinched face soured alarmingly. “Gods, you didn’t―”
The author uses the narrative style of writing in this text. Narrative non-fiction is character-driven storytelling. Steve Lillebuen firmly believed that the victim, Johnny Altinger, deserved to be a major focus in the text. The author focused on how he lived including his tragic death. Narrative requires more research than traditional reportage, for writers cannot simply tell what they learn and know; rather, they must show it.
Within a few days I was flying to COP Speicher, in Tikrit, Iraq to meet with my military appointed attorney. I spoke with this Captain for several hours trying to figure out why I became charged with a crime that I most certainly did not do. I was informed that Corrales had been charged with the same crime, I still could not figure out why this was happening to me. I had done the right thing, I informed my chain of command and told them exactly what I had done. My attorney met with the units Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) and work out a plea deal for me. My attorney told me that the SJA was willing to except my plea of guilty and that I would only have to serve eight years. I immediately told her that was not an option. I did not do what
The author talks about how his mother and brother came upon a dog they named "Pretty Girl". It was a very cold and dark night when they saw a dog so badly torn up, starved to the bones, nothing but mange. You could tell this dog had been wandering looking for a home on the fence of survival for a while. When pretty girl finally wandered into a dog house in the authors mothers yard she found a dog house there she spent the night. It wasn't until the next morning when the mother and the brother went out there to check and they found the dog, she was in such bad shape you couldn't even tell it was a dog. The mother so full of love like any mother did not call the vet because she knew the vet would put her down so they began to bathed her and take
Ronald Speirs was known for being a tough, exceptional, and intimidating leader. His soldiers would follow him anywhere. He was the last commander of the famous Easy Company, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne and led the company longer than the well-known Lt. Dick Winters. However, at times his leadership was questioned due to the rumors about his reputation. One of the rumors were that “he shot one of his own sergeants between the eyes for being drunk” (Schatz). Also another rumor was that “he handed our cigarettes to twenty German prisoners then killed them all with his submachine gun” (Schatz). Despite the rumors and his reputation, he earned the respect of his men by sprinting across town in the battle of Foy through enemy fire delivering the message to the other company and sprinting back to the other side.
Max Speers has been dealing with the unthinkable and this is why he was there for and we have now gone of an unthinkable situation, and Max has died for his country and the people on this plante, all dealing with aliens, but dealing with a predator within humanity, a fifth column which has been successful so far in causing us a great deal of damage and harm; and people like Max, were involved in exposing that fifth column, he knew he was going to die, he knew he was in a trap, he told his mother that. So, what was his purpose? His purpose was basically to investigate and deal with enemies in other realities; I myself was threaten only a week ago, and I was brief last Monday that they actually wanted to take me as well. Who is they? I don’t think is suitable to say that on air.
One of the more poignant moments in the story is when the daughter comes to realize her gullibility in believing the family dog had escaped death to live a long happy life on a farm (Barnet 1205). It is important to realize that this "new" little family is taking care of
This is SPC Dorelus. I was hoping that you could do me a major favor. I see that there is an EO training on Monday the 1st, and I will be getting off of work that morning. Now I recently moved to VA and would find it very inconvenient and unsafe to go home and have to come back, if God willing that I make it alive, in time for the training. So my request to you is can I have my training a bit earlier than the time given. It would help me significantly if this request can be fulfilled. Thank you very much and have a wonderful
She sat on the couch watching PBS and indulging in succulent grapes. Flickering across the screen, was an aardvark and his best friend, a bunny, named Buster; some may recognize this description of the amazing show called Arthur and you are the fortunate who have seen it. She was waiting for him to arrive home just like every other night. Her mom was in the kitchen and the smell of chocolate chip cookies wafted from the open kitchen. Where was he?, she wondered, growing impatient like all eight year olds do. Soon car lights broke the darkness of the night and the dog collar was heard running towards the door. He walked in. Her dad always worked late, but when he was finally home, she ran to the man dressed in business attire and was lifted
Lauren gave him a stern look; knowing not to question his Princess, muttered “Yes, Your Highness” before storming away.
First of all, Marley in spite of his loopy character had a loving heart. He always had been with people who need help. For instance, he shared Jenny’s grief when she lost her first baby during the pregnancy. During the next pregnancy, when Jenny had to remain in the bed for the whole month because of the early-arrival risk of the new baby, Marley again had been her companion making her boring days brighter. Finally, each time Marley easily accepted the Jenny and John’s new babies when they arrived from the hospital. As they grew, Marley became their best friend. It seemed like the dog understood that they were little humans whom he had to protect.
One day, Andrew and Charley welcomed a new dog to the house. This new dog was a male, who had black fur and a white spot on his nose. He and Charley became fast friends. They played every day; Charley on her leash and Jason
It was a windy November morning and Rosie had just got back from looking for wood in the forest near their home to put in the fireplace. Glindia heard Rosie come inside and she ran down the stairs eager to see Rosie and tell her how she had found Rosie’s pet crow she had been searching for .”I found your pet crow while you were gone, he nearly scratched my eyes out when I picked him up.” said Glindia laughing. Rosie mumbled “Good that's how I trained him.”. “What did you say?” asked Glindia. Rosie sighed “Oh nothing, thanks for finding him.” Glindia gave Rosie a confused look “You’re welcome.” Glindia did not like how rude Rosie had been lately because it has been ruining their friendship.
In Stephen Crane’s short story of “A Dark Brown Dog”, he writes about a young boy who finds, neglects, and befriends a ragged puppy, with a rope dragging the ground, when they meet. The boy takes fun in abusing the puppy, but when he tires of this he makes his way home. The puppy, even though the boy was not nice, starts to follows the boy home. When arriving home the boy defends the puppy to claiming him as his own. The boy’s father agrees to allow the boy to keep the puppy. The boy and the puppy grow very fond of each other. The puppy was abused but always showing his love even after his abuse. Then the story takes a very sad, gruesome turn for the young dog.
One night a young girl named Lily Foster is left alone for the night in her very large country house, while her parents drove out of town for a party. This was fine with Lily especially since she had her faithful dog, Scout, and her cell phone. Finally, her parents said, ‘’Be safe and don’t go outside.’’ Lily gave them a hug and said, ‘’Of course and have fun!’’ Once her parents drove off in their car, she made herself something to eat and sat down at the kitchen table.