I like the direction that this draft goes in. It explores the minds of mentally ill people, such as Alixander and Indigo. However, with each case they have different problems. I enjoy the childish nature that Indigo has, creating a contrasting trait from Alixander. He acts much more stable, but when examining his actions, his instability shows. Although Indigo needs to display this nature, I feel myself seeing her as an actual child instead of "a young woman" (1). I think a hint to illustrate her age will help me picture her as that age because I picture a child with an adult and I don't believe that's the intention. I also like how the reader are dropped in the present, but then Alixander tells the story. I feel as if the story should end
Jimmy knows too well the agonies of abandonment. First, when his mother, Cecilia, ran away with Richard to pursue a better lifestyle. Then, due to his father’s, Damacio Baca, alcoholisms and violent behavior; he also had to leave Jimmy behind. In spite of the drawbacks from abandonment to being a maximum security prisoner in Arizona State Prison, Jimmy preserver’s the darkness of prison by overcoming his illiteracy. However Cecilia and Damacio is not as fortunate as their child; Cecilia is shot by Richard after confronting him for a divorce and Damacio chokes to death after he is released from the detox center(Baca 263). Therefore the most significant event in this section of the memoir, A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca is the death of Jimmy’s parents.
In John Updike’s short story “A & P”, a dynamic and round character expresses his subjective attitude towards his views, a plot twist causes him to realize his future. Sammy an opinionated cashier at A & P grocery store does not agree with his Lengel, his manager after he reprimands a particular group of customers at the store. Sammy’s further actions cause him to face the true reality of his future.
Thucydides uses Nicias' and Alcibiades' opposing personalities to show how they influenced the war against Sicily, as Nicias speech hurt Alcibiades ego, which caused Alcibiades to promote the war with more vigor. Alcibiades felt threatened from Nicias' statement, "He wants to be admired for the horses he keeps, and because these things are expensive, he hopes to make some profit out of his appointment" (Thucydides 6.12). Alcibiades saw this as a personal attack, because of his horse-breeding and the other extravagances from his personal life. As a result of these hurt feelings, Nicias wanted to oppose Alcibiades, as his rival, and win the debate. While Conquering Sicily would give Alcibiades wealth and honor, his baited pride ultimately spurred the powerful speech, which won over the Athenians. This can be seen best through the personalities of the individuals in
In the novel Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript, the author, Sir Thomas Malory, presents the reader with many diverse villains, one of whom is Sir Tarquin. Through Sir Tarquin’s words, expressions, and actions, Malory portrays Sir Tarquin as a malicious villain who despises one specific character, Sir Lancelot Du Lake. This built up anger and revulsion Sir Tarquin feels towards Sir Lancelot results in Sir Tarquin becoming one of the most dexterous knights in all of Christendom. He becomes such by searching out, challenging, and defeating many knights of the Round Table.
This series installment continues the overall series story of finding the progeny of the unfortunate one hundred. It also provides the story of the hero SOTARIOS NUMIDA, a character first introduced in Book 4 and volunteered in Book 7 to check out the two people Luna had found on her website that might be the progeny.
Having Jeison as a hero for kids with their own disabilities is very rare, knowing they have someone to relate to can give them hope. When Jeison was in the adult life he wanted others to know the values that disabled kids have just the same as any other kids.(crowdrise.com) Changing perspectives, organizing a facility for kids with disabilities, all while living with a disability himself shows how Jeison Aristazabal characteristics fit a hero’s personality.
“ ‘No. No,’ she said. ‘Don't come. I won't see you. Don't you come. I don't want to hear from you from you. Ever. Ever… it ends here for you and me. Say your goodbyes…’ ” (Hosseini 55).
“Everyone in society should be a role model, not only for their own self-respect, but for respect from others.” ~ Barry Bonds. In this world bad situations occur frequently and it takes a good strong person to handle them in a mature way. Dealing with them this way not only shows that the person has self-control, but also makes them a good role model for people to look up to. In the book The Chosen, Chaim Potok uses Mr. Galanter to express his opinions of a good role model. Acting as a baseball coach and gym teacher, young boys look to him for guidance and motivation every day. Having this kind of position causes stress at times, and requires him to stay calm and level headed. Throughout this book, Mr. Galanter
Ender is a intelligent leader because he understood the value of developing and empowering others, showing courage and, staying focused on the greater good, rather than his own success.
I think that anyone could pick any one of those but the one that stood out the most to me is that I saw him as a warrior. Some characteristics I think show this is being disciplined, strong not only phyisically but also emotionally and mentally, and also couragous. The sniperis obviously very disciplined this is showe when he was hungry because he hasnt eaten anythingsince morning. Also because he patientry waits for an enremy to come by probably waiting longer than any normal person could. He is emotionally and mentally strong because he has probably ended countless lives yet he still fights for his country because he thinks it i right. I count him as couragous because when all odds are against him he presevieres and does what is
Alexander is a man of conviction. When he sets himself to a task he will not stop until such time as the task is completed to his satisfaction. He has proven time and time again that he is willing to do what must be done to complete his goal. Following his Appointment to Captain of the 3rd Division set about reworking the information system of the Shinigami. He Made it faster and more practical to fit a modern day setting. Believing that Information was the domain of the future, he would push his division into that future with an iron fist if need be.
The Once-ler always reflects on the days when the grass was still green and the pond was still wet and the clouds were still clean. It’s very obvious that he wishes that he wouldn’t have made such a devastating impact on the area. The Once-ler chops down one of the Truffula Trees to make his first Thneed. He promises the Lorax that he shouldn’t be alarmed because he only chopped down one tree. But Thneed’s were becoming more popular so the Once-ler chops down more and more trees until they are all gone. Once you start abusing nature it is difficult to stop so its best to not start in the first place. This could compare to any bio-diverse regions in the world who are being threatened by new development.
Leading up to the selected passage, the main character, Lanval, has experienced several mishaps in his life. Marie de France presents Lanval’s character to the audience as a disliked man. For instance, none of the kingdom men liked Lanval because they were jealous of his positive qualities (Puchner 1032). He was poor and did not know of a place to seek help (Puchner 1033). However, his luck changed for the better one day as he was lying down and relaxing along the riverbank.
Enid is one of the main characters in the OK K.O.! series. She is an employee at Gar's Bodega and works at the register.
Yet both Aylmer and Georgiana make every rationalization for this behavior. Aylmer reasons that the birthmark is Nature's way of showing Georgiana's mortality and necessary humanity. He wants to remove the mark, then, not because he doesn't like the way she looks, but because of what the symbol represents to him. Aylmer will be so obsessed with her mark that he’ll be able to do something terrible only to prove that perfection is possible, that man can control Nature and he’s the one to do it in a certain way. Aylmer, however, was a man that believed he could do anything with science, prove anything, control everything as