
All About That Bass Summary

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Meghan Trainor, “All About That Bass” Today the media is saturated with images of women’s bodies that can negatively impact women’s personal perception of their own bodies. There is a direct relationship between music and body image. Whether it is hip-hop, rap, or rock, women have been expected to fit a certain mold. According to society, the ideal woman is tall with a slim frame. Media has grown to show that if a woman falls below these standards, they are less than. These stigmas can cause low self-esteem in young women, especially adolescents that are constantly bombarded with opinions of their peers. Meghan Trainor’s music video “All About That Bass” effectively shows opposition to society’s views on women’s bodies. The composition of the video aides in effectively opposing the media’s image of a perfect woman. All About That Bass appeals to the audience’s capacity for empathy. The intended audience are the young women that are constantly exposed to the media. In …show more content…

The lines: “Yeah my mama she told me “don’t worry about your size…She says “Boys like a little more booty to hold at night” appeal strongly to emotion. The lyrics directed towards Meghan Trainor positively influence her self-esteem by telling her not to be uneasy with her body; she will appeal to men even more because of her size. Young women are emotionally impacted by their mother’s opinions and more often than not, base their self-image on their attractiveness to others. One striking image through the video is during the thirty-fourth second. A before and after Photo-shopped image is shown. The visual irony portrayed in the image is that the before shot shows a slim, perfect woman and the second shot is a heavy set, regular woman. This contradicts what is typically shown in the media. Instead of perfecting the image to conform to society’s perfect woman, the after image is more

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