
All Human Being Are Creatures Of God And All Should Be Treated Equally Irrespective Of Caste, Color,

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6.1 Conclusion
All human being are creature of God and all should be treated equally irrespective of caste, color, sexual orientation, etc. Many people who understand the meaning of humanity are fighting for the rights of minorities, LGBT, women, children, etc. Creature of the God should be treated equally and shall not be discriminated by the dominant society. Many Treaties and Conventions are being enacted to curtail the discrimination against people and same should be agreed and signed by many countries but in reality same Conventions and Treaties is of no use and simply found as International agreement. The main reason behind this failure is lack of International Sanctions in case of fail to follow these Treaties and Convention at National level and another reason behind it was priority given to their local country laws. Further, in today era most of the countries having their own Constitution which is treated as a Grundnorm. Many countries having their own living document i.e. Constitution which guarantees freedom and equality and prohibits the discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. There are the Union made at International level by different Countries and every country who signed that union must have to follow the International Treaties or Conventions for example in India, Constitution of India states that Notwithstanding anything in the forgoing

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