
All Together Now By Chris Ware

Decent Essays

Chris Ware has been making cartoons and covers for the New Yorker since 1999. The Cover “All Together Now” was created after watching his daughters school play and praising Steve Jobs for his creation of the IPhone (Cover Story: All Together Now). Chris Ware wrote, “Sometimes, I’ve noticed with horror that the memories I have of things like my daughter’s birthday parties or the trips we’ve taken together are actually memories of the photographs I took.” The January 2014 New Yorker cover depicts a school play with an audience full of adults watching; however, the play is taking place in the twenty first century. Smart phones dominate how people view a show or concert. The phones become the new eyes of the audience. The play is separated. Each child is the one focus of each smart phone, instead of watching the play as a whole. While the children are suppose to be the center of focus, the smart phones take up the majority of the cover to emphasize how dependent and needed the adults are to the phones. Also the colors on the cover are very bright; however, the colorful parts of the cover are very small in comparison the dominant black smart phones. The adults in the cover are there to experience a school play; instead they are experiencing a small screen with their child’s face on it. The idea of living in the moment is gone; they are focused on the future and to preserve the present by recording. It is important do to the example given to children, who already are attached to

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