
Allusions In The Book 1

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When Leopold reads about a colony being set up in Turkey, it represents the idea of Ithaca as a promised land of peace. This is the first episode in which we finally meet our modern hero in a figure of an ordinary man who is busy with everyday trivialities. Leopold might not be on a faraway island in an adventure with mystical creatures, but in his mind he is as far away from home as Odysseus. Although he is in his kitchen making breakfast, his mind is not connected with his reality, creating distance between him and the things that surround him. Joyce did not use myth to draw a parallel between Odysseus and Leopold, but to create completely different hero who is shipwrecked in his own way. Blamire claims that each of the episodes represents …show more content…

In Ulysses, being one-eyed is a metaphor for being confined to a narrow point of view. The strongest allusion is scene where the narrow minded citizen throws a box of biscuits on Bloom imitating the scene where one of the Cyclopses throws a boulder on Odysseus. Leopold, just like Odysseus; demonstrates his superiority and escapes from the confrontation unharmed. This is the first chapter where we have unknown narrator without insight in Leopold`s inner thoughts, which means that everything that is told to us must be true as it is told from objective point of view. According to Grifford, there is another motif in this episode and that is Christian prophet. (86) Leopold is shown as Elijah-figure during his argument with citizen and later when he successfully leaves the bar without engaging in further discussions or fights. This episode is important for Leopold, because he finally stood up to someone, gained masculinity and stopped being just a face in the crowd, nobody. The victory of the horse Throwaway symbolizes Leopold`s victory because no one thought that they are capable for this. He has overcome the greatest challenge and defeated his enemy. For the first time, he was the winner. Although, this might seem small victory, it is a heroic one in a life of this ordinary

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