Alpha squad has grown into a cohesive group of mission-oriented personnel. There is a mutually agreed-upon division of labor where depending on ability and availability, someone is accountable for the completion of a particular task. This system has provided Alpha squad with the consistent capability of accomplishing squad goals and accountability. Each person has an unspoken role in the mission, however, decentralized leadership (or rather the absence of an absolute leader), has given Alpha squad a decent track record of tracking on tasks. The way the system works among the specific fish of Alpha squad is as follows: fish Adesanya is in charge of deliverables, fish Foley is a coordinator (along with fish Adesanya) to make sure other members …show more content…
First and foremost is communication; verbal and electronic communication is critical in Alpha squad’s mission to keep everyone on the same page and ensure everyone knows who is doing what and to arrange a contingency in case something unexpected happens. Second is attention to detail; Alpha squad fish have to ensure everything they do is perfectly unified and that they are aware of exact requirements and suspense dates for their assigned tasks. Third is team spirit; Alpha squad fish rely on each other where they fall short, and step up when someone else is unable to carry out their part. Fourth is decentralized leadership (lack of absolute leadership); this has been essential in minimizing the potential effects of the storming phase through the fact that no squabbles on who does what, those who can do what they have to, and those who can’t are pardoned by the unspoken understanding that everyone is prepared to step up where their comrades may fail. The final is morale and motivation (yes it is a skill as Alpha squad fish have learned during this semester); caring for each other, and never giving up not only themselves, but motivating their buddies to keep going as a team is what drives the dogged determination of Alpha squad to earn their
The mission command system is expressed as the placement of individuals within a unit conducting operations with a specific set of procedures and principles in place to optimize the use of its equipment. What does it mean to recognize or comprehend the art of Command and the science of Control? There are six key principles of mission command in developing a cohesive team that support all aspects of a mission. The following essay will discuss these principles and examine examples of how the famous Operation Anaconda both endured victories and inadequacies.
The 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) has a proud history of accomplishments. It has served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Historically, the morale across the brigade was high; leaders took care of their Soldiers, and all of them did their best to train them, accomplish missions successfully, and support them in any way. The 4th ABCT HQ, as well as each of the battalions, were highly efficient and effective, and most of them were jubilant to be part of the brigade. Three years ago, one of the best maneuver brigades in FORSCOM was the 4th ABCT. The brigade had focus; leaders and soldiers were dedicated, and there was a strong work ethics. However, the 4th is facing some challenges ahead that are going to make difficult to reach its full potential. Amongst several leadership problems, there is a major one. There is not an organizational vision in the brigade, and if there is, it is unclear and poorly evident.
The Marine Corps. Demand alertness at all times. Building the Marine’s confidence and teaching them the attitudes of group loyalty and
First off Congrats on the promotion to a very distinguished rank, part of the elite officers of the Armed Forces. I know it is well deserved. I appreciate the opportunity I was bestowed to meet you and also having my spouse be a part of your leadership team. I wish the best for you and your family as you pursue the next leg of your military
Starship Troopers is a classic novel written in 1959 by retired Navy Lieutenant Robert Heinlein. At the time that it was published Starship Troopers was controversial yet won the Hugo Award in the 1960’s for being one of the best science fiction novels. One of the controversies surrounding the book is the main character’s history teacher’s view on violence and how violence “has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” The book had such a cult following that there has been a film adaptation. It is a work of literature that has stood the test of time and is being read in our schools today. This may not seem shocking for such a classic book, but being science fiction it is a true accomplishment.
Beta Club provides students opportunities to serve their local and global communities through the donation of time, objects, and money. The planning for my personal service project began my first year in the club and has continued through this academic school year. Many of the projects in my school’s chapter of Beta Club serve the local community only and have no global impact. I began to search for organizations which work to benefit those in need across the globe and found Kiva. Individuals in every country can request loan amounts which are funded through micro loans by multiple donors. Loan requests range from agriculture and education to retail and food.
Throughout different time periods and civilizations come many different types of art that would never be comparable to those of another time or place. There are also the pieces that come from a completely different time and place, but yet they can still be compared to one another. The Torso of a God (Egyptian, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, last decade of the reign of Amenhotep III, Granodiorite, 1359-1349 B.C.) and the Statue of Asklepios (Greek, Hellenistic period, Pentelic Marble, 2nd century B.C.) are two sculptures made hundreds of years apart, yet they both display many similarities and show how art is constantly changing whilst keeping the same core ideas.
If I were to be accepted into the National Junior Honor Society, which is one of the highest honors that can be awarded, I would consider myself to be a very lucky person. Throughout my life, I've always considered myself as someone with good character and values.I've always prided myself in always doing the right thing and helping others. In addition, I view myself as a leader, not a follower. Being a leader comes naturally to me. I'm a leader amongst my friends and siblings. They always look up to me when they have a problem or when they need advice. I have a good standard education with an A average which will help me achieve my goals in the future.
I am very honored and proud to be considered as an applicant for the National Honor Society. I am aware that this is an honorable and distinguishable organization and that not everyone has such an opportunity. I believe that I would be a valuable and serviceable member to the Nation Honor Society organization at my school, Piedmont Community Charter School, as well as within the community.
Meaning and purpose can be defined depending on the reader and the author that is defining it. The meaning and purpose of any form of literature is the main point of the piece of work, why it was created and what the author wants the reader to understand or get from his or her work. As for the movie Full Metal Jacket, the director, Stanley Kubrick, wanted to have a combination of comedy as well as a sense of realization when it comes to a soldier becoming a marine and what it takes to be one. The characters throughout the movie each show a different way of understanding and dealing with the problems that they had to quickly overcome.
November 10, 1775, is revered as being the Marine Corps birthday, and its birthplace being at Tun Tavern, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress met at Tun Tavern, to establish two battalions of Continental Marines, under the command of Cpt. Samuel Nicholas, as an amphibious fighting force who would later in March of 1776, participate in their first foreign raid, in the Bahamas ( ). After the Treaty of Paris
The first military establishment was formed before the United States was officially declared a country for the purpose of meeting the needs of the colonists during the American Revolution. The Army’s mission is to fight and win the Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across a full range of military operations. Although the history of the United States Army is deeply rooted in the country’s history, the implementation of the United States Special Forces Operations Unit is fairly young having been established in May 1952 yet unannounced to the public until 1954. In an effort to uphold the Army’s mission, the Special Forces Operations Unit was initially formed to assist with
Many people are concerned about the U.S. military because of how many risks come with joining it. However, the U.S. military also explains the benefits that one could receive. Joining the military is a decision that should not be taken lightly. One must understand all aspects of the military. In order for a voter to be fully informed about joining the US military, one must consider both the risks, like mental illnesses and commitment and benefits, like education, and experience. is a community filled with every type of individual one could imagine, all hidden behind computer screens under anonymity. A person can say or do almost anything in one post, and then be a completely different person in the next. Obviously this would attract many deviant minded individuals who could express themselves without regret. Although 4chan is widely diverse, the majority of the social movements are aided by the “random” subcategory of the site, also known as /b/. /b/’s makeup is almost entirely teenage to middle aged Caucasian males who reside near the lower end of the economic spectrum.
“We want leaders that are tough, resilient, that can think, and out-fight and out-smart the enemy. We want them to be adaptive and agile and flexible. And, we want them not only competent, but we want leaders of character.” (General Mark A. Milley, 2015) Character is not a trait we take for granted and most likely have an attraction for, but honestly never had to define when asked about by our superiors and peers. It is a word most Soldiers desire to have their name attached to it, and yet the standards of its realization remains rather vague when spoken about. When the military say that a Soldiers is someone of good character, we mean that they may have many