
Essay on Alternative Lifestyle in Society

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For the centuries of mankind's existence, there have always been people in the population that are attracted to the same sex. That does not mean, however, that anybody with these types of feelings in times before ever told other people about it or felt like being open about it. It was looked upon as a burden and a fault, even a curse among society. It wasn't even until the 1900s that any kind of movements for the homosexual community even started. When you sit back and think about the kind of embarrassment and torment that being gay brings you from society, you start to see why nobody spoke about it in the earlier days. For the record, I am personally not gay, but have gay friends and understand what that might be like to go through. …show more content…

It may lead to violence and even death. There are numerous cases when people were actually killed because of homophobia. Prejudice against homosexuality sharply limits how all men and women may acceptably behave, among themselves and with each other. It is obvious that we can no longer pretend that the homosexual issue is none of our concern. In attempt to evaluate our attitude towards people of different sexual orientation we will be able to understand them better. What is more important, we may overcome our prejudice, which often results in discrimination of one group against another. To acknowledge that there are people who are different and learn to tolerate them means to live in a safer world. Do we have the right to discriminate against homosexuals? Until recently, homosexuals were an invisible minority. Therefore, much of society was unaware that gays and lesbians were discriminated against. But homosexuals were and still are treated unfairly on the basis that they undermine our morality, that they present danger to our children and that they are transmitters of AIDS far more than heterosexuals. Today many gays and lesbians come out of the closet and demand the same rights that heterosexual take for granted. We have to admit that some steps have been made to protect homosexuals. However, many government and public institutions and individuals still discriminate against homosexuals denying them employment, housing, insurance, marriage,

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