
Although It Is Well-Equipped With Modern Hotels, Arguably

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Although it is well-equipped with modern hotels, arguably the most charming accommodations in Marrakech are to be found in its riads, such as the Riad Zayane. Riads are a traditional style of Moroccan home, named after the courtyard garden ("ryad" in Arabic). Like many styles of urban architecture around the world, riads orient their windows inwards and around the central courtyard, presenting the outside world with solid walls. The result is the exclusion of the chaotic, noisy world of the streets of Marrakech, a virtue which is as relevant to modern Marrakech as it is to the city 's medieval past. Features The Riad Zayane is a two-story riad with a roof-top terrace, with rooms priced for the mid-range travel budget. The courtyard is …show more content…

The hotel is located off a market street outside Bab Boutouil. People who love immersing themselves in the urban life of a developing world city will enjoy making the trip through the crowded hustle and bustle of the vegetable sellers, halal butchers and fishmongers, but for some visitors that transit will become tiring quickly. Furthermore, the Riad Zayane is a full 20-minute walk from the center of the Medina at the main square and the Koutoubia Mosque. Visitors have the choice of either making a 40-minute round trip in the heat and air pollution or haggling over a taxi every time they set out for the day or going out for meals. However, that drawback must be kept in perspective relative to the city. Only a few hotels are both comfortable and centrally-placed, and for these visitors must pay a premium. Most Riads are set in locations like the Riad Zayane 's or in even less convenient areas, while many of the modern hotels are situated outside the Medina entirely. Ergo, anyone staying at a pleasant hotel inside the Medina will face the same locational issues. Sources: Personal ExperienceDISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION:The Contributor has no connection to nor was paid by the brand or product described in this content.
Recently I stayed at the Super 8 in Van Buren, Arkansas. This hotel is located a minute or two from the interstate so it is a convenient place to stay. I found a great deal online for a room with 2

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