
Amalie Emmy Noether Research Papers

Decent Essays

There are many mathematicians that have changed the way we think; from simple word problems to the way gravity and motion works. Without them where would we be? Somewhere still stuck in the dark. Where would we be without female mathematicians standing up for girl power? Somewhere lost; somewhere confused; and somewhere brainwashed that men can do better jobs than US females.

Amalie Emmy Noether is a great example of a female mathematician that was known for amazing things. For example, she is German mathematician known for her landmark contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics. Her education took place in University of Erlangen-Noremberg (1904-1907). Also, the University of Göttingen through the time of 1903-1904. (Google sites) …show more content…

For instance, “In physics, Noethers theorem explains the connection between symmetry conservation

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