
Amanda Ward: Life After High School

Decent Essays

It was spring of 1988. Her hands on the starting line, legs bent back at a 90 degree angle ready to explode down the track. BANG! The gun goes off, and just 26.1 seconds later Amanda Ward had crossed the finish line and broken the record for the sophomore girls 200 meter sprint. The record she broke that day now stands as the third fastest girls 200 meter time at Seattle Preparatory School.
Today, Ms. Ward is back in school studying at the University of Washington looking to get an administrative certification. She is “[interested] in the opportunity to make widespread changes.” But she hasn't always wanted to become a principal. As she entered the room with a soft click of her heels, hair neatly parted down the middle, and toned calves only a runner could obtain, Ms. Ward started to describe to me how high school was a time to “figure out who I was.”
Thinking back twenty years, she remembered many of her classes that first year at Seattle Prep being only for freshman. She liked getting to know people from other grades so one way to get around the fact that there were no upperclassman in any of her classes was to join a sports team. Soccer and, more importantly, track were two extracurricular activities she remembers well about her freshman year. Little did 15-year-old Amanda Ward know what she would …show more content…

Ward loved English class. She enjoyed writing so much that she thought she would eventually get an English major or become a sports writer. Although teaching wasn't appealing at the time, in college she had the opportunity to take several history classes where she discovered her love of “learning why the world is the way it is today because of what has happened in the past.” That mixed with hours and hours spent tutoring middle schoolers sparked an interest in becoming a History teacher. Someone who ultimately influenced her was her 9th and 12th grade English teacher, Ms. Kennedy. Now when teaching, she tries to model herself after Ms.

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