The essential goal of any business ever has been to make the most money that they could. This element is the very basis of what we know today as commerce, but the way modern businesses have done this is completely different and far riskier than what businesses did in the past. One controversial way they are doing this is through “outsourcing” in which companies move overseas for a variety of reasons and it has already become a commonplace practice in modern business because of its benefits, but it is the unforeseen consequences – that undermine these benefits – which are just as ground-breaking.
The main argument made by the author in his work, “American companies are on the move” is that American companies are merging with foreign firms
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What the author, Pat Regnier, is saying in his work “Everything You Need to Know About Companies Leaving America for Taxes” is that large American companies are abandoning their American domain and hanging Uncle Sam out to dry just to save on tax cuts. To be more direct, the author argues that these companies are taking over smaller corporations where tax rates are lower than in the US. They do this over and over again till they find a suitable location to “safely”escalate their profits. He writes, “The large American company is now a foreign one, and taxed accordingly.” In this section of the author’s argument, Pat is suggesting that there is a “loophole” in the American tax system and it is creating all kinds of havoc, domestically and abroad. Putting it all together, the author`s belief is even though outsourcing is attractive, it is equally chaotic as it is beneficial. In my view, the author is mostly correct because business ventures such as these cause as many unwanted side effects as much as intentional attributes. More specifically, I believe that companies will benefit from outsourcing, but will also reach a point where chaos and order equal. For example, how Burger King had a crisis in its stocks when it’s headquarters moved. The instability of a potential location for the HQ coupled with the weak presence in the global market weakened investors’ confidence, forcing them to sell their
With the advancements in the globalization of the economy, corporations are finding more ways to avoid the extraordinary tax rates set in place of The United States Of America. With the loss of revenue from large companies dodging taxes the government must make up for the loss by either raising taxes or changing the tax code. A recent company to avoid american taxes is Johnson Controls, a company that “…would not exist as it is today but for American taxpayers, who paid $80 billion in 2008…”(The Editorial Board). This use of American resources to get through tough times, and run to another county during an economic incline is an act that calls for reform in the American tax system. However congress has not passed any legislation to fix the
While outsourcing may be beneficial to some of the companies partaking in it, the general consensus is that it ultimately proves to be harmful to the American workforce. The act of outsourcing and shifting many company call centers and technical support teams, or “low skill service jobs,” to foreign countries reduces jobs for those that could truly benefit from them within our own country. The unemployment rate has dramatically increased, and continues to rise, compared to what it has been in years past; yet there are numerous companies which still insist on handing over these “low skill service jobs” to people in other countries such as India. The most obvious and logical reason for outsourcing is reducing costs; people are working for
Despite that an excessively excellent image of outsourcing was provided to individuals one or two of years back, the truth check they were confronted with shattered the dream badly. Recent statistics reveal that over four-hundredth corporations are concerned either in experimenting or are already engaged in shifting their services overseas in search of low-cost labor and services that are being provided by countries like China and Bharat. Such efforts have left native market labor at extreme disadvantage wherever they're finding it vastly tedious to create each ends meet, leave behind the back-breaking burden of taxes they're being obligatory to. With over four-hundredth major company executives registering their opinion by discouraging the method of outsourcing the controversy that was antecedently being won by the
It ends up putting our country farther into its trillions of dollars in debt. “Eight of the biggest U.S. technology companies added a combined $69 billion to their stockpiled offshore profits over the past year, even as some corporations in other industries felt pressure to bring cash back home (U.S)”. Eight of the top technology companies,including Microsoft, Apple and Google, now account for more than a fifth of the $2.10 trillion in profits that U.S. companies are holding overseas. “The amount of unrepatriated foreign profits reached $2.4 trillion, according to Citizens for Tax Justice, allowing companies to avoid up to $695 billion in taxes
Specifically, companies are transferring these services overseas as in the case of call and help center services or companies are ordering manufacturing supplies from overseas at a much cheaper price than they could obtain them inside the U.S. Outsourcing is a term that is often used interchangeably with off shoring (Bhagwati, Panagariya, & Srinivasan, 2004).
Globalization is the integration of markets through the cooperation of internalization, federal, and state governments with corporate companies to provide low-cost products. Subsequently, outsourcing is an essential part of this globalization. However, what exactly is outsourcing? In its broadest sense, outsourcing is simply contracting out functions that had been done in-house—a longtime U.S. practice (“Globalization: Threat or Opportunity”). When a U.S. manufacture product, and buys material from an intermediate supplier from out of the country rather than producing them in-house, that is what is called outsourcing. Also, when U.S. corporation hires outside contractor out-of-the-country to do U.S. call center services for less labor cost that is outsourcing. When a company deals out its operational task, such as payroll, accounting, and software operations that is outsourcing. To get the clear understanding of outsourcing, I have interviewed IKEA’s U.S. Deputy Retail Country Manager Rob Olson about outsourcing—Swedish goods. Olson stated that IKEA’s outsourcing utilizes the unique talents of different countries and their labor markets to increase trade, which helps better allocate resources in their own countries while getting goods cheaper from others.
In general, the outsourcing is hiring the foreign workers/company to do a particular task, as opposed to hiring domestic workers/company. Besides the outsourcing, the international purchase is an essential activity of companies. In the trend of a booming global economy, a company only focuses on its core value and hire suppliers to supply the necessary product and service. The relationship between companies are complicated and interdependent.
As the world has gotten “smaller” in terms of trade, outsourcing has become a hot topic in much political and economic debate in the United States.
What are the true reasons that companies are doing business around the world and outsourcing American jobs to other countries? Mainly, American jobs such as Accountants, Technicians and Programmers are losing their Jobs because of globalization. Most of American jobs are outsource to countries such as China or India, therefore, before this taken place Americans had more of a better stable career path or even more jobs to choose from eventually, times have changes very rapidly due to companies moving American jobs overseas. As stated by many politicans, executives, prominent corporate executives and academics “have argued that we have no choice, that with globalization it’s critical to tap the lower costs and unique skills of labor abroad to
The main goal of a business is to break even, spending about the amount as profits gained, or gain a net profit and expand. While expanding is expensive, companies will attempt to outsource jobs to different countries for a cheaper cost . Outsourcing is an issue for multiple unemployed and employed Americans, where the businesses could be supporting families by creating jobs for those who need them. Flatworld solutions, a company made to help businesses outsource jobs, would argue, “You can get your job done at a lower cost and at better quality as well” (Flatworld). It does lower the cost,
Supporters argue that outsourcing has a minimal effect on job losses, and has increased economic growth in some cases. In actuality, outsourcing has decreased the domestic economy by decimating job opportunities and lowering wages. Steven Pearlstein, economics columnist for the Washington post reaffirmed arguments that outsourcing has decreased employment availability and stability of the economy by saying “There are growing numbers of people who think that what started as a sensible, globalized extension of sending some work outside a firm to specialized companies may in fact be creating long-term structural unemployment in the United States, hollowing out entire industries”. (Pearlstein 3) The IT industry has been especially affected by outsourcing, with many jobs moving overseas to India and Bangladesh, leaving employees in the United States without a job, unable to compete with lower wage offerings. Supporters of outsourcing argue that this business strategy increases everyone’s productivity, raising everyone’s income, and boosting economic growth. Many such studies tend to focus on large multinational corporations, for which the data and anecdotes are more readily available. And indeed, during the 1990s, the data seemed to show that for every one job added abroad, companies added almost two new
At the time of development of globalization there were many concerns about its benefits. However, it has brought significant changes in all segments of human life and International business is one area in which it contributed heavily (Reich, 1998). Companies all over the world are currently formulating their business strategies mainly after considering the trends in global market instead of domestic market. Outsourcing and offshoring are some of the new business principles emerged in this world after the implementation of globalization (Samimi and Jentabad, 2014). The core of these new business concepts is to exploit the business opportunities in overseas countries as much as possible (Samimi and Jentabad, 2014).
In the past decade the topic of outsourcing has become a heavily debated subject on if it is ethically correct to outsourcing jobs to foreign countries. Outsourcing has become more and more an option for many companies and not just an economic fad. The decision to outsource is a difficult one for any company to make because there are many advantages and disadvantages to consider. The decision to outsource affects many people, communities, and industries so if a corporation decides to outsource they must consider how it will affect human dignity, the common good of the economy, and subsidiary.
The process of globalization has numerous significant effects on countries, organizations, and individuals. These effects can be observed in the quality of products, in their prices, but also in their availability. Because of globalization, numerous companies prefer to expand their business on international level. Some of them outsource some of their processes and activities to cheaper destinations that allow them to reduce their investments.
Offshoring is the practice of relocating business processes to lower cost locations outside the country of origin. This is not a new practice for companies in the United States. Moving business processes to another country to take advantages of lower operating costs and cheap labor seems like a great idea. However, the dilemma for a company is whether the benefits of offshoring outweigh the risks. This dissertation will begin by briefly reviewing the history of offshoring. Next, it will examine the various advantages and disadvantages associated with offshoring. Thirdly, it will explore the growing trends of backshoring and nearshoring in situations where