
American Council On Exercise And Joining Forces

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American Council On Exercise/Joining Forces Chelby Calhoun University of New Orleans American Council on Exercise (ACE)/Joining Forces The initiative/program I chose was the American Council on Exercise working with Joining Forces. ACE, founded in 1985, is a non-profit organization out of San Diego, California. This initiative started due to a group of individuals believing that preventive measures were the way to approach the obesity and chronic disease epidemic. Thirty years have passed and ACE is now the largest, most trusted organization to provide health and fitness to the public. The organization is ever growing, vowing to make a change within itself on a yearly bases. ACE does several things such as: educate and certify health and fitness professionals, develop and distribute publications, serves as America’s Authority on Fitness, connects the public with qualified professionals, and build relationships with policy makers. The initial target group for ACE starts with getting individuals to become certified professional trainers, health coaches, and specialty coaches. All of ACE’s professionals appear on a registry found at This registry allows individuals to feel secure in that the professional, from a certified trainer to a specialist, they are working with is legitimate. ACE provides continuing education, research outcomes, and workshops in order to be more affective. By increasing the number of professionals there

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