
American Culture And Globalization

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Naim (2009) writs about the impacts of globalization in his article "Globalization".He explains the impacts of globalization on certain elements, which are economy, culture, and individuals. He also explains people fear about how the world becomes more open. The world has seen the flowing of capital and trade exchange like it never happened before. This led the international market and corporations to have the power over the world. However, if the globalization kept spreading, it will bury the real national cultural. The effect of globalization affected the individuals. Globalization has linked the happiness with the material progress. However, the result was changing the society and growing the scope between rich and poor people. The truth …show more content…

Monoculture which caused by globalization is burying a huge amount of national culture. People all over the world seem to be losing their national identity due the globalization. The internet is associated with the cultural globalization because it allowed interaction between people with very different lifestyle and from many different cultures. Monoculture could be positive in communications part. It is a way to bring people together, also we can find out what is going on around the world. In contrast, the communication between nations led to transmission some of bad habits. Let us take McDonald's as an example of bad eating habit. McDonald's considered one of American culture which was spread all over the world. In fact, now it is a global enterprise with 31,000 locations worldwide with location in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Mexico. This type of food is just one example of food going big in global scale, and it changed the eating habit for most of the …show more content…

One of the primary lifestyle changes is daily life used to include high levels of physical activities. The way people live their daily life is different from the past; and it may affect their health. Actually, it might cause future dangerous consequences such as a heart attack, high-blood pressure, and obesity. People in the past used to do many physical efforts that helped them to burn the calories inside their bodies. They did not have modern transportations like subways or buses. Moreover, if they want to buy something, they will go directly to the store, whereas people now can buy a variety of products online from Amazon or IKEA. Let us ask ourselves this question; do we do enough physical activities to burn the calories from our food? The answer is "NO" for most people. We know there is not a perfect lifestyle. However, some people follow a healthy life; their lives contain several activities such as athletics, jogging, or yoga. Even when they want to go to work, they prefer to walk and not use any vehicles. In contrast, most people do not do any physical efforts. Moreover, they always use cars, buses, and motorcycles instead of walking. If we think deeply, we will discover the link between the changes in our lifestyle and globalization. Globalization has spread technology all over the world. People use different kinds of products to live there life without

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