
American Dream: A Deceased Delusion

Decent Essays

The American Dream: A Deceased Delusion The American Dream is an elusive, unachievable notion that has been around since the founding of the nation. The idea of working hard and achieving success, the potential to become anything one wants to be, and the capability of moving up the social ladder are all popular characteristics that exemplify this delusion. Although it was once achievable, the American Dream has long since faded away due to the large income gap that exists between the low and high classes resulting in the inability to move up the social ladder and the inequality of education which inhibits the ability of applying to bigger and higher paying jobs. The inequality of income is a major cause of the American Dream’s deterioration. …show more content…

It opens the doors for people from a variety of backgrounds and expands one’s mind. With this expanded knowledge, one gains crucial skills such as the ability to solve problems and operate at a higher level letting key ideas flourish. However, the inequality of education presents itself as a hindrance on the path to success. The Scott Foundation for Public Education states, “Most of the city’s poor, black and Hispanic students suffer from New York policies and practices that give their schools the fewest resources and their students the least experienced teachers. In contrast, the best-funded schools with the highest percentage of experienced teachers are most often located in the most economically advantaged neighborhoods” (“Why Education inequality exists - and how to fix it”). The disproportionate education system allows for the wealthy to gain access to the finest materials and qualified teachers, while the poor are left with substandard materials. It is clear to see the issue with the American Dream when one realizes that the education that is necessary for success is not available to everyone. The kids living in poor cities are unable to get the education needed for them to succeed in the real world. The American dream presents itself as an illusion to those that aren’t fortunate enough to be able to afford good materials while the wealthy are able to pursue their education to the fullest. Also, poor school districts have to rely on their own resources to pay for their funding, as opposed to being reliant on taxes (Coy). It seems that our own government would rather just let the poorer districts fund themselves, while the most fortunate areas are able to get the better funding and education they need to succeed. The American education system has fundamental flaws that keep everyone from getting the same level of education everyone

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