
American Imperialism In Cuba Essay

Decent Essays

Late 19th century America, about 100 years since claiming independence from Britain the new idea of imperialism has enthralled the nation. Imperialism, the concept in which a stronger nation spreads their military, economic, and political influence to a weaker nation has become a new world wide sensation. After the annexation of Alaska and Hawaii their interests diverted back to nation of Cuba. Cuba, located 90 miles south of Florida has been in the minds of many Americans for years. In 1854 America attempted to buy Cuba from Spain and failed. Later Cuba tried to pursue independence from Spain and failed, but forced Spain to abolish slavery letting Americans to invest in sugar companies in Cuba. Cuba trying to fight for independence once more got the support of many Americans wanted to join in the fight for the Cuba’s independence. This caused the infamous Spanish American War. In 1895, a journalist and poet Jose Marti ignited a spark in Cuba launching Cuba’s second fight for independence. To control the rebellion Spain sends General Valeriano Weyler to Cuba. General Weyler scheme to smother the revolt was to force citizens into concentration camps where citizens couldn’t aid in the rebellion. Around 30,000 citizens were forced into camps and thousands died due to disease and malnutrition. …show more content…

He documented the actions of General Weyler and the conditions of the camps and soon returned to America. Weyler’s decisions fueled the newspaper industry causing newspaper capitalists such as William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer to exaggerate the actions of the “butcher” General Weyler as well as made fabrications such as poisoned wells to entice readers and to make them feel sympathy. This practice was called yellow journalism. Yellow journalism caused citizens to take Cuba’s side in their

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