
American Photography: Walker's Photography

Decent Essays

The “American photography” was part of a series documentary books that were developed in America’s photography. The photographs show records of America’s reality during the 1930’s. The book was a refreshment on history cultural emblems such as war, patriotism, and racism. The very first ever one-man exhibition was held. Technically this was Walker’s second exhibition because, in 1933, 39 of his photographs were displayed at the Museum of modern art. These photo images were seen as architectural photos. Walker worked by night at Wall Street and this gave him the opportunity to be a photography by day. Walker is known for his street photography.

During 1962 the “American Photography” had it’s 25 Th anniversary and the addition was back in print and the hardcover book was 7.75” x 8.75” Reprinting was done in offset lithography. This is a process where prints are done on a flat surface and would be treated to repel …show more content…

Evan used the “visual education” to his advantage by observing before capturing the photo he would capture a photo and only months later observe it properly. In the photo book he tried to give a message, therefore, he played the images in an order form to create a sentence, this is how the work got it’s meaning and became a tremendous work of art by itself. Adam Morelli who was a great friend of Walker said: “photographers can often learn more about what makes a great image through the work of painters and other artists (not photographers).” ( To create images that are technically competent is not alway the correct way you could become interested in post-processing the technical aspects of photography. Today the publishing of books can be done on a larger scale because of

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