
American Revolution Dbq

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England had first started having settlements in North America during The Age of Exploration, over time thirteen colonies were formed. In 1765 Britain began taxing their American colonies to help make up for the money lost by protecting them in the French and Indian war ( This was the beginning of the colonies intolerance for their motherland. They continued to become more frustrated with Britain as they realized that as colonies of Britain they did not have all the same rights as British citizens. In 1775 the civil war between Britain and it’s thirteen colonies had just begun and lasted until 1783( Britain at this time had the strongest military in the world, but they lost the war because France, being a long time enemy of Britain decided aid the Americans in hopes of disgracing Britain and raising their own status in Europe. Another reason for losing the war was that Britain from 1775-1782 was in the Anglo Maratha war in India, so they did not have enough military force to send to …show more content…

Britain is just one example of a monarch who was afraid to lose its territories. Britain specifically was affected, “The British were afraid a full blown revolution would emerge in Ireland [...] Britain thus relaxed its trade restrictions [...] And reformed the government by allowing non-Anglicans to hold public office”( This evidence shows that monarchs were losing their power and status as god like people whose authority could not be questioned. They were now forced to acknowledge the people's needs and reform to better the lives of the people living in its colonies. This loss in supremacy stemmed from Britain's defeat in the Revolution, people now realized the power that they held because of their numbers, and created the idea that the Government is meant to serve the

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