
American Voice Analysis

Decent Essays

What IS American Voice? The different texts we have read characterizes American voice by proving we all are unique, we are hardworking, and we all are equal. The different texts we have read characterizes the American voice by proving we are unique. This is demonstrated in Walt Whitman’s poem when he says “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear” (Whitman 1). This means that not one American voice is the same. We may have similar characteristics or be in similar situations but we are different. We all have a certain song or voice that’s unique to us that tells our story or life. When we all join together singing our songs using our American voice that’s what that the American voice is truly. The different texts we have read characterizes …show more content…

This is displayed in Langston Hughes poem when he states “Tomorrow I’ll be at the table when company comes, nobody’ll say to me, “Eat in the kitchen” (Hughes 5). This shows that we are all equal no matter our skin color. We all have our weaknesses and faults and make mistakes, but that doesn’t make any of us any less human or equal. We need to get past the skin/ racial barriers that hold us back and make us prejudice. Instead we need to look at the person from the inside and see how their personalities and attitudes are. The skin of a person doesn’t define who that individual is. Their actions define them, but to make racial comments and condemn a person because of their skin color is wrong. We are equal, God created us in his image and likeness, so we are all equal. We’re just different shades of equal. As I stated before the different texts we have read characterizes the American voice by proving we all are unique in our own special ways, we all are hardworking and we will never stop working, and we all are equal. Just because a person maybe she shades darker or lighter than you doesn’t make them any less equal to you. We are all Americans and a way has been paved for us, we need to walk it and carry it on for our children and their

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