
Amusement Park Negligence

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Amusement park owners are also required to have policies and practices in place that a reasonable amusement park would have in order to ensure the safety of guests. Failure to have these policies in place or to take care in hiring amusement park employees can result in a general negligence lawsuit against the amusement park. In addition, when amusement park employees are negligent in operating the rides or ensuring guest safety, their negligence is considered to be the negligence of the amusement park itself because of legal rules referred to as vicarious liability or agency laws. Since the park becomes responsible for the negligence of its employees, people who are injured as a result of improper ride operation or other related causes may …show more content…

All four of these elements have to be shown in order to recover on a negligence claim.
To put it simply, when an amusement park owner or operator fails to maintain the park or its rides in a safe way, it can be considered in breach of a legal duty owed to customers under premises liability law. This negligence can make the amusement park owner responsible for any injuries that result, and the owner may be liable for medical costs, lost salaries, damages for pain and suffering and emotional distress, and wrongful death damages based on lack of appropriate warning
To sum it up, the negligence legal theory rests on the notion that an amusement park is responsible for providing customers with a safe environment. The amusement park is responsible for the actions of its employees. So if an employee is negligent, injured parties may sue the park for that employee's actions. The park or its employees may be negligent by affirmatively doing something or by failing to do something. Examples include: failing to post clear warning signs that, for example, customers with blood pressure or heart problems should not go on a ride -
• posting signs that don't adequately warn riders of the risks

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