
Amusing Ourselves For Death By Neil Postman

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In the second part of Neil Postman’s book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, the author examines the medium of education in order to exhibit how it has affected and fashioned modern public discourse. Postman uses a two-part argument on the topic of the influence that television has over education. In order to properly demonstrate the authors view and evidence on this subject of discourse, as well as my own, I will explore how television presents education as well as how exactly television has managed to alter education when it is faced outside of television. Postman believes that when the discourse of education is presented on television, its only purpose is to entertain. Education on television is believed to teach youth in a way that they will embrace with open arms due to their prior understanding to television. To further expand on his own viewpoint, Postman makes the claim that television is a curriculum. The author defines a curriculum to be “a specifically constructed information system whose purpose is to influence, teach, train or cultivate the mind and character of youth” (146). The author makes the claim that rather than achieving its aim to teach and train youth in a more colorful fashion, it instead only draws the young viewer to love the images that are being shown through a screen. The author proposes that television has three separate commandments that make up the values of education. Postman introduces the first commandment, thou shalt have no prerequisites,

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