
Amusing Ourselves To Death Neil Postman

Decent Essays

In his book “Amusing Ourselves to Death” Neil Postman argues that the news of today is linked with entertainment. In today’s society, we are obsessed with image and the stories of destination and violence, and how will the anchorman performance is, stories that have no relation to the news at all and the news uses this to increase their ratings. by watching the Fox news on 02/13/17 I was able to confirm that he was correct. Neil Postman said that American no longer exchange ideas, they exchange image. And that we don’t quarrel with proposition; and we only argue with the looks. Firstly, as human being we are more attractive based on how a person looks. Anchorman and women are being judge daily based on how they look and how will they perform …show more content…

The white bold letters stinking out of a shiny red background and animation added fading in and out of the video shown during the broadcast. They music that played before and after was like a school band playing during a football games. Secondly, Postman’s talks about irrelevant “News”. Stories that aren’t apart of the news all. stories only chosen to generate audience. As I was watching the news they talked about cats being abuse, and last minute valentines’ gifts, and that student are now allowed to drink water on school buses, and also an oyster feasible. Thing that don’t have nothing to do with what actually matters in the world. And it is these kinds of stories being told that has reduced our ability to take the world seriously. Third, Postman also claims about that news going from a serous topic to a non-serous topic. And I was sitting on the couch drinking my tea the news goes from talking about a KKK leader being shot in the head to older siblings being smarter than your younger siblings. or going from talking about a vehicle accented to talking about the

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