
Amy Tan And Girl Short Story

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Everyone has its own definition of success. For ones, it is to earn a lot of money, to other, it is just to be happy in life. Two stories, Girl by Jamaica Kincaid and Two Kinds by Amy Tan, present those ideas in a form of a struggle of mother teaching her daughter a life lessons to ensure daughter’s success in the future. Although the Girl and Two Kinds have a very similar topic – in both stories mother wants her daughter to be successful, the mother’s approach to the daughter and the general idea of what success is, is different. In the Girl, the story is told in the form of monologue of mother, who tells her daughter a list of things that she should and should not be doing to be a successful woman and housewife. As the list of advices goes …show more content…

As she sees America as a land of opportunity she wants her daughter to take this huge advantage and to use it at the fullest by making her kid a prodigy. Mother tries her best to find the genius in Jing-mei, she is very strict and hopes that her daughter will redeem her own mistakes that she made before coming to America. “She would present new tests, taking her examples from stories of amazing children she had read in Ripley’s Believe It or Not, or Good Housekeeping, Reader’s Digest, and a dozen other magazines she kept in a pile in our bathroom.” (Tan 383) Unfortunately, Jing-mei has a different opinion on the matter. She is convinced that she is not meant to be special and that is unable to achieve anything great in her life. She mentions that unlike her mother “I did not believe I could be anything I wanted to be”(390). This conflict of interest leads to the constant battle between mother, who force her child to practice her skills and the daughter, who resist to learn and try to prove to her mother that she is not the girl with the …show more content…

In the firs story mother is more open-minded and leaves her daughter more space to be herself, whereas in Two Kinds, Jing-mei’s mother is incredibly strict what makes Jing-mei to give up on her as she realizes she won’t ever be perfect. I think that by comparing those two stories we can realize how important parenting is. By controlling life of others and by demanding too much we can easily discourage people from trying. The greatest lesson that those stories tell is that we cannot force anyone to do anything even if it is good for them, because it will only make things

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