
Amy Tan Mother Tongue Rhetorical Devices

Decent Essays

Amy Tan’s uses of rhetorical devices in “Mother Tongue” In “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, she uses rhetorical devices to convey her attitude towards her mother’s language and identity. In Tan’s personal essay, she explains her life as a writer and how she notices how she communicates differently with her mother who isn’t as fluent in English, as opposed to her audience. Tan uses anecdotes, an interesting story to express her attitude and tells her readers how she is embarrassed about her mother's language. Although ashamed of her language, she embraces her identity. She exhibits is by using testimonies, a statement that has been said by a person in the work. Tan uses anecdotes to expresses her attitude and tells her readers how she is embarrassed about her mother's language. The anecdotes what she uses helps the audience be able to relate easier. Through the …show more content…

Tan made us aware of a great accomplishment at the end of her essay, which ended the piece on a good note. When she revealed to us that her mother had read one of her books and understand it fully she felt like she had done her job as a daughter to a help her mother. Her emotions were conveyed in the line stating “I knew I had succeeded where it counted when my mother finished reading my book and gave me her verdict: “So easy to read”.” This was meaningful to the essay as a whole. Tan started off stating everything that was negative about the use of her mother's language, to being able to have her mother read her book and enjoy it. In being her daughter she doesn't see her mother like everyone else does. To Tan her “English is perfectly clear, perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It’s my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. That was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the

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