
An Analysis Of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream

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Every human in this world is promised to something from love to a better country.
Promises are to be true to happen, but sometimes those promises are broken and never to happen. An example of a promise that did come true was to make racial justice. This promised was made by Martin Luther King Jr.’s in his speech, I Have a Dream. In his speech, he promised to make racial justice for the reason that there was no freedom of racism. An example of a promised that did not come true was the promised made by a leader of a socialist group, Jim Jones. People joined a socialist group called People’s Temple, who were promised by Jones to move to Jonestown a place that he created for the people that Jim Jones authorized. Jonestown is located on a little …show more content…

As Jonestown People work hard they also did not have the liberty to at least have a good meal in the day. Layton explains the food that they would eat throughout the day, “Received a thick slice of cassava bread with brown syrup on it...We don’t waste food here. It takes too long to find it, plant it, grow it, then cook it” (Layton 168). Jim Jones did not pay Jonestown People to work, so the least he should have done is feed them good. To add on, Peoples Temple did not have the liberty to take a nice shower after a long day of sweating from work. Layton explains Jim Jones rules towards showering, “Planning one’s shower was important because showers also had restrictions. Anyone reported to have allowed the water to run longer than two minutes was assigned to the Learning Crew for a day” (Layton 184). To continue, People from Jonestown did not have the liberty to live with their own family, “Our cabins, tin-roofed and small, could have housed families, lovers, children, with their parents, but instead we were partitioned into nonbonding arrangements” (Layton 186). The reason for not having a close relationship with your own family was not allowed because it was a sin to Jones. Layton explains her relationship that she needed to have with her own mother when they were in Jonestown, “There was a fine line between too little and too much empathy. Too much compassion meant you’d break under torture and questioning by the enemy. Too little proved you could become a turncoat and traitor to Father” (Layton 187). However, Martin Luther King Jr. wanted people to live with liberty and have citizenship rights. As he recalls the rights that every human being has in America, “This [promissory] note was a promised that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the “unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (King Jr.). People

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