
An Analysis Of The Happiness Hypothesis By Jonathan Haidt

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“The Happiness Hypothesis” by Jonathan Haidt is the first book I've read of its kind, mostly because I've been trying to feel my way through life so far one step at a time, and I will likely never forget it. There are things to be learned within this combination of ancient wisdom, research, and Haidt's connection of it all, valuable lessons for approaching and understanding the human experience. Reading something like this young, and taking it with me throughout my life and comparing it to my own experience will indeed make it a very valuable tool.
The book starts out in the introduction, and elaborates in the following chapters, by bringing up the “two ancient truths” Haidt wants his readers to understand before they delve further into …show more content…

This third conflict is of Old vs. New but discusses the conflict of emotion and rationality. In patients with damage to orbitofrontal cortex, which regulates and produces emotions, they become very rational but also crumble in a real world setting, without having any personal, emotion drive (Haidt 12). This shows that reason and emotion are both necessary for the functioning of the human mind, the cooperation of both rider and elephant is necessary. The last conflict is that of the automatic and controlled processing of the human mind. Automatic processing is unconscious and handles many things at once, while controlled processing handles the things we consciously think about one at a time, and both of these processes are happening alongside each other continuously (Haidt 14). As I was reading a lot of this chapter I drew connections to even very simple things in my life, like when controlled processes let me see that I should get out of bed and go to work or start writing a paper for school, and so helps me overcome the urge to go right back to sleep. Controlled processes consciously perceive risks to not getting up, overcoming the automatic urge to sleep in.
The second truth is that “thinking make it so” or that the way we perceive things, changes the whole situation (Haidt xi). This concept is introduced in the second chapter with the story of philosopher Boethius who lived after the fall of Rome, was wealthy, powerful, married well and had

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