
An Effective Leader : Malala Yousafzai : Quest For Power

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The young Pakistani girl survived a gun shot to her head and now she is one of the biggest advocates for women's education. The definition of good leadership is different to each individual, but it shapes a society and its residents. A leader must possess certain qualities to positively impact others. They must commit to their cause and strive to achieve that goal. A leader must also be courageous. When they are in a position that causes anxiety they should able to put on a confident face and project fearlessness. Leaders are passionate towards their cause and will strive for their cause no matter what the cost. However, most importantly an effective leader is kind. They fight for the rights of others and not themselves. An effective leader does not lust for power, but for change that will help the oppressed. Malala Yousafzai became an effective leader through persistence, fearlessness, and compassion.
To commence, Malala Yousafzai gained and showed the efficient leadership traits at a young age. She was born in the Swat Valley of Pakistan. Malala gained her passion for learning while attending to her father's school. However, in 2007 when Malala was ten years old, the Taliban took over the Swat Valley. Her life had rapidly changed as the Taliban forbade girls from receiving an education. The Taliban is a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist political movement that is currently waging war in Afghanistan and threatening Pakistan. However, even with all the brutality, Malala did not

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