
An Evaluation Of Decision Making Essay

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In a power point called Validated Rick Assessment in Decision Making (3), in order to judge the amount of rick a person has of committing a crime, the justice system looks at some factors. Those are: failure to appear in court, re-arrest, community and family ties, employment, prior criminal record, education, education, and substance abuse. There are a lot of other factors but those sum up what risk assessment looks at to judge a person. This has a huge impact on the fairness of and effectiveness on the operation of justice agencies. The trust in the political system (2) however goes down if a person’s risk assessment is wrong, which can also ruin the justice system fairness (6). Life chances (14) are the opportunities an individual has to advance their overall quality of life. Due to the effects of concentrated poverty and racism, the poor black community in severally disadvantaged when it comes to life chances. The black community is discriminated against (13) making it difficult for most of them to rise above that they are looked at through societies lenses. Some of the concentration effects of poverty (15) like poor schools, and ghetto subcultures deplete formal opportunities to improve overall quality of life. In the inner-cities institutions like schools have failed the underprivileged population, “The development of cognitive, linguistic, and other educational and job-related skills necessary for the world of work in the mainstream economy is thereby adversely

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