
An Explanation Of The Idea Of Falling Short ' Of Living Out That Radical Love

Decent Essays

In Smith discussion of “plausible ways of falling short” of living out that radical love he discusses five ways in which we sometimes do this, they are:
Pleading Purity: Smith states it is not our identity is not separate from the way we treat others who are different. That the treatment we offer others is part of our identity, for “as human beings we are the way we relate to each other. He emphasizes that to be a Christian is love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. To have a Christian identity is to be a person who exercises such love. To think that I can protect my Christian identity by refusing the risks of love is a contradiction in terms. Being a Christian does not require you to abandon my cultural identity – redemption is for those of every nation, tribe, people, and tongue- but neither does it allow you take your culture for granted as equivalent to the kingdom of God on earth.
Settling for Tourism- Educational visits and mission trips all too easily is little more thinly disguised tourism. Travel offers significant opportunities to engage with other cultures; but it is far, far from guaranteed that travel in and of itself will amount it much more than self- preoccupation in a more exotic location. Increased superficial exposure to members of other cultural groups may result in little more than solidifying existing stereotypes. It has to do with how intercultural learning can be the response to the call loves our

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