
The Importance Of Tourism And Tourism In Vietnam

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The trip to Vietnam from the 16th of November to the 1st of December was an eye-opener to my life as I saw how the locals live and operate daily. This has helped myself gain a new perspective on life. With gaining a new perspective it has helped myself understand and give direction to achieve my future goals and personally help with figuring out a which career path within tourism and hospitality I would like to go down. Over recent years in Vietnam tourism and hospitality impacted the local lives which helped myself understand how they live the way they do. Travelling to diverse cities such as Ho Chi Minh, Hoi An and Halong Bay showed me that Vietnam has different aspects on offer to help myself understand their cultural but also the hospitality and tourism industry. The hospitality and tourism within each city support the history of Vietnam. This increases the experience economy as individual travel for their traditions but also to be educated about Vietnam and their past.

When visiting the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh I had the chance to meet several of their students. Long Ngugyen and Minh Tri Phan Duy, who helped Chloe, Sarah, Rebecca and I with our project. During the project, we learned about the tourism and hospitality industry throughout Vietnam. Travelling to areas such as walking street which is Nguyen Hue St, Pham Ngu Lao Street and the Sense Market from my own observations and personal experiences I could see this as tourist hot spots. Compared to

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