
An Interview About Human Resources

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Introduction: Sarah Cox is my interviewee; the interview was conducted on the fly with a phone call due to her busy schedule. Sarah has been in her current role as the Vice President of Human Resources for eight months now at L.L. Bean. She started out at the company as a summer hire right before attending graduate school at Harvard University’s divinity school to study Organizational Ethics. I came into contact with Sarah while attending The State of New Hampshire’s PBL/FBLA conference where she was the keynote guest speaker and she shared her email with the students attending and opened the door to connect with her. I felt this was a good opportunity to learn more about L. L. Bean and the field of human resources. So, a few days after …show more content…

5) Are you apart of the society for human resource managers or any other professional organization and if so has it helped your career?
She is a member of the National Retail Federation (NRF) and The Society for Human Resource Managers (SHRM). She uses these networks to hear problems and solutions, but also to learn the latest information regarding the retail sector.
6) Does LL Bean passively or actively recruit for talent and which way do you personally prefer and why?
L. L. Bean does both and sometimes they even drive around the L. L. Bean boot-bus to college campuses across the country to try to attract college kids to work for the company. She told the conference she would like to be able to drive the bus someday. She does not have a preference regarding how talent is attracted to the organization and told me sometimes L. L. Bean uses search parties to find executives for their organization if her staff are busy. She believes good organizations actively and passively recruits for talent at all levels within an organization.
7) What matters more to LL Bean when they are considering hiring a candidate is it occupational experience, academic achievement, personal qualities, a mix of the three, or something altogether different?
LL Bean takes a balanced look at all three to determine the candidates suit for the role available. She says the thing which

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