
An Mei Essay

Decent Essays

In the film, The Joyluck Club, several mothers who grew up in China try to help their American daughters. One of the Mother’s, An Mei conveys the wrong message to her daughter Rose. Once her daughter grows up, she forgets some of the important lessons her Mother has tried to teach her. Part of the problem is the misunderstanding between the two. An Mei fails to tell Rose of the personal lessons and hardships of her life back in China. Consequently, Rose tends to think she is smarter than her Mom and does not have the same level of respect for her. Over time and through difficulties, she learns of her Mother’s true story. Because of her bad experiences back in China, An Mei is able to relate to Rose’s adult life and help mentor her. An Mei, Rose Hsu’s mother, teaches and guides Rose through her hardships instructing her of …show more content…

Consequently, when Ted turns his back on her, she is left without a clue of what to do or where to go. This action of baking the cake for her husband clearly illustrates Rose’s flaw. She attempts to pity Ted by giving away another part of herself exemplified in the pie. Ted betrays her and she still envisions him as her friend. Nevertheless, she strives to cooperate and help out, even when her relationship is over and she will not receive anything for her special treatment for a man that did not protect or value his responsibilities as husband. As An Mei explained in the previous quote, Rose did not know her worth. She thinks of herself as an inconvenience, she believes in self pity that’s why she was going to bake the pie for Ted so maybe he would remember all the times together and magically change his mind. Her attitude causes Ted to take her for granted, and Rose does not know how to have self esteem and behave in such a manner that conveys respect to her and her

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