
'An Old Woman' by Arun Kolatkar and 'Nothing's Changed' by Tatamkhulu Afrika.

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Chose to or more other cultures poems you have studied. How do the poets present the theme of protest? 'What else can an old woman do? ' 'We know where we belong ' These two quotes, the first from An Old Woman by Arun Kolatkar and the second from Nothing 's Changed by Tatamkhulu Afrika, both seem to show a sense of abandoned protest and although the poems are from two very different cultures the theme of protest is clear in both. An Old Woman is about an old Indian woman who follows a man just for a fifty paise coin. Kolatkar depicts the old woman 's protests with poverty and age. In Nothing 's Changed Afrika writes of his protests with the whites and segregation as a black person in South Africa. He tells of how District Six was …show more content…

Kolatkar then goes on to use imagery to change the audience 's perception of the old woman and generate more pity. He describes her aging body with thoughts of hills and temples cracking and mentions the sky falling as she ages and comes closer to death. Kolatkar portrays the 'shatter proof crone, who stands alone ' the only true rhyme in the poem and this exaggerates the fact that she is alone as well as describing her soul which is still youthful although her body is past it. This clever use of imagery is not used in Nothing 's Changed; instead Afrika describes his emotions, especially anger, towards what is there already. He expresses the 'hot, white, inward turning anger ' of his eyes when he sees the restaurant and it 's clear panes separating the two races, so similar and yet so different. In the last stanza he talks of how he wants 'a stone, a bomb, to shiver down the glass ' anything to put an end to his protests and to segregation. The change of mind from a stone to a bomb is shows how he wants to hurt or even kill the white people as they did to his people. In the last stanza of An Old Woman we are told of how the traveller now pities the old woman and is 'reduced to so much small change in her hand '. This brings a sense of satisfaction to the poem, as the audience know that the old woman 's protest with poverty is over for

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