
Analysing the Generation Effect Essay

Decent Essays

Noteworthy findings indicated that the participants recognized more items from the generate condition than read condition. A notable large effect between the two conditions was detected as well. Slamecka and Graf (1978) strongly suggested that generation effect existed, despite of other argumentative claims. Under the same category, items involve providing a stimulus and response in the generate condition confirms improve memory in the later recognition test versus items in the read condition. Perhaps how the items encode and retrieve from the memory can be interpreted as well. An alternative explanation argued that levels of processing took place during the generate condition where the second items were led to deeper and elaborative …show more content…

Moreover, the generation effect serves the similar purpose as testing effect in educational settings. Roediger and Karpicke (2006) claimed that the testing is a beneficial method in long-term retention of the materials, comparing to no testing at all. Likewise, the generate condition in this experiment works an equivalent pattern as a multiple choice tests where some kind of recognition takes place in learning and memory (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006). Briefly, the generation effect assists people to retain better memory and thus improve learning across different circumstances. More importantly, the testing phenomenon serves an educational purpose for students at school, regardless of short answer questions, multiple choice questions, or essay questions where no feedback is necessary (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006). However, repetitive studying will not guarantee better retention rate in terms of delay testing, and retesting will have a greater impact (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006). In practical applications, using flashcards with only key words written and creating tests without multiple choice questions are some of the examples of putting generation effect in use. Based on current researches, repetitive testing produces a powerful effect especially in delayed tests. Yet, the research on the boundary of how long the delay of the tests require before the materials diminish are still unknown. This way, teachers and

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