
Analysis: Is The American Dream Still Possible?

Decent Essays

America. Land of opportunity and freedom. Home of the American dream. But, is it all still real? Is the American dream still possible or is it just that? A dream? The American dream is the hope for all Americans and immigrants. It's the ideal that you can ‘make it big’ in America. That if you try hard enough, you can achieve anything. America still provides access to the American dream and we are still able to achieve it due to the opportunities that America offers and the undying American spirit in every American out there. Throughout history, Americans have always had traits that were common to the typical ‘American dream success stories’. In the article “is the American dream still possible?”, the author writes, “ self-reliance and sacrifice. Most of those interviewed display qualities common to American success stories: determination, flexibility, pragmatism, willingness to work hard and especially self-reliance.” The author explains how the majority of Americans have the traits to achieve the American dream, but are …show more content…

William Zinsser says in his story, “ the right to fail”,”Failure isn’t fatal. Countless people have had a bout with it and come out stronger as a result. Many have even come out famous.”Zinsser explains that throughout American history, the people who succeed are typically the ones that also failed. And those opportunities are given to us as freedoms. The American dream is still possible through the freedoms provided. The author, Joseph Bruchac, states in his poem ”Ellis island” that, “ Beyond the red brink of ellis island where the two slovak children who became my grandparents waited the long days of quarantine…”. In the poem, the author explains how many people, including his own grandparents, waited for long times in even longer lines to have access to the freedoms of America. But not every part of America has supported the American

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