
Analysis Of A Summer Life

Decent Essays

In “A Summer Life” Soto is the name of a six-year-old boy who faces a decision between sinning and not fulfilling his sweet tooth desires. This all started when Soto became bored and thought the only way to cure his boredom was through sin. Though Soto knows that sinning is iniquitous he ends up going against all of his religious beliefs and greedily taking the pie for his own longing to eat something sweet. Shortly after, Soto knows stealing the pie was wrong and regrets his decision. In “A Summer Life” Soto shifts from greedy to guilty by using striking imagery, potent ethos, and biblical illusions to recreate his story. All throughout the story “A Summer Life” the author uses striking imagery to capture the reader’s attention and also to create a picture in the mind of the reader to better understand the writing and connect with the character’s experiences. For example, when Soto is eating the stolen pie he mentions, “The slop was sweet and gold colored in the afternoon sun” Soto does this to create an image of the sin he was committing but turning it into something heavenly (Soto, Gary. “A Summer Life.” A Summer Life, Laurel Leaf Books, 2008). After Soto finishes the pie he mentions that he “wiped my sticky fingers on the grass” which the author meant to create the picture in the readers mind of Soto trying to wipe his sins away (Soto, Gary. “A Summer Life.” A Summer Life, Laurel Leaf Books, 2008). Evidently the author in the story purposely uses a lot of imagery to

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