
Analysis Of Anna Quindlen's Speech

Decent Essays

Anna Quindlen delivers at speech at the Mount Holyoke college, here she expresses her opinion on life and the adversities that she went through during her college years. In her speech she uses a casual tone for instance her use of simples sentences like “Being perfect was hard work, and the hell of it was, the rules of it changed” (Quindlen, 296). Throughout her whole speech she was being very casual and you could see that it was meant for young adults as she gave advice like “ Instead I’d like you to give up Give the backpacks”(Quindlen, 299). Furthermore her speech is arranged so it is very much like an anecdote, and in this anecdote she uses devices like pathos and ethos to appeal to her audience in order to bond and give a meaning …show more content…

From the beginning she pulls the readers attention, she uses a metaphor “Eventually being perfect day after day, year after year, became like always carrying a backpack filled with bricks on my back”(Quindlen, 296). This metaphor is the most significant part of her speech as she continues to refer to this metaphor throughout the speech. She uses this for the purpose of appealing to the audience in a meaningful, and personal way, creating a connection between her and the audience as most students, not only college students, can probably relate to the feeling of being heavily put down by something , not necessarily what she is talking about. Her use of pathos is what makes the speech so appealing and interesting, because she makes it so relatable and easy to understand. Later in the speech Quindlen takes on an inspirational tone where she uses short sentences that shows how she’s enunciated specific information for instance “Look at your fingers. Hold them in front of your face. Each one is crowned by an abstract design that is completely different than those of anyone in this crowd, in this country, in this world. They are a metaphor for you”(Quindlen, 298). The pauses between the sentences make what she’s saying sound very dramatic. This tone continues as she talks about different ways you can break out the same old cycle of perfection. and she concludes her speech encouraging the audience to listen to that voice that tells you to do something different and outrageous,

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