
Analysis Of Arcadia

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Arcadia was performed April 13-17 and 21-24, 2016 at Furman University’s Playhouse Theatre. Although it is described as a “romantic comedy with jokes,” I found it was much more about thinking versus feeling, intellect versus emotion. Along the way, many of the characters move from one to the other quite gracefully, especially beautiful through the parallel past and present. One character who seems to toil with peoples’ journeys in the present-day of Arcadia is Bernard Nightingale. Bernard—played by junior Sam Nelson—is a professor from Sussex that is self-assured and seeks to prove a fact just because he feels inferior people should it is obviously true. Ultimately Bernard failed to reach his goal of finding the correct person, timeline, and relationships that occurred in Sidley Park around 1809, but he had no learning curve. He continued to search for power over others, even if he could not get it through wealth and fame from honorable historical recognition. Early on in the show, Bernard Nightingale appears at Sidley Park after writing a letter to the owner of the house, Lord Croom, under a disguised name. He hopes to come to Sidley Park to find Hannah Jarvis—a …show more content…

Jay Oney. As a female audience member, it was hard not to feel violated for both Hannah and Chloe throughout the present day scenes, despite the fact that Bernard often made a fool of himself. He was not a charming character, but slimy. That is where the downfalls of being a contributing member of the ensemble came in. Oftentimes, it was too slimy for the rest of the characters—in both periods—and featured too many over-the-top interactions. All in all, Bernard had many pitfalls throughout his journey of—interestingly—seeming to stay the same person at the end of the show. It was fascinating to see a character so invested in having power over others, lose a lot, and somehow still find prosperity in his

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