
Analysis Of Bless Me, Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya

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In the novel, Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, Ultima is a curandera (healer) and she cures people in Las Pasturas even though she is often mistaken as a bruja (witch). “‘Your father has gone to Las Pasturas,’ my mother chattered, ‘he has gone to bring La Grande” (7). Antonio’s mother, Maria, is a very religious, Catholic person, and she would not have allowed her into her house if she was a witch. Maria understands Ultima is a curandera, especially since Ultima helped her bring birth to her children. “[Tenorio] crossed his fingers and held the sign of the cross in front of Ultima’s face. She did not budge” (93). Tenorio makes a cross to harm Ultima, accusing her as a bruja. Ultima revealed she is a curandera and that it is Tenorio’s daughters

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