
Analysis Of Carol Ann Duffy's The Worlds Wife

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In Carol Ann Duffy’s The Worlds Wife, Duffy’s feminist views on life and actions imply the nature of the story being told. Duffy makes sure that her audience understands that women are more powerful than society lets on. In Little Red Cap, Duffy insinuates many of her life stories through her literature. Duffy incorporates her life into the poem by implying how one of her past relationships lead her to better her abilities in poetry through the use of the wolf, who is also a talented poet. In the poem, she writes about a young girl at the peak of her childhood about to enter into the next phase of her life. The young, inexperienced girl describes the beginning of her transformation into adulthood after losing her innocence to “The Wolf”. Once the innocence of the little girl is taken away, the little girl realizes she no longer needs an old, no good wolf. She gains the courage and reflects on how her life changes dramatically after her departure from the wolf. The poem Little Red-Cap, written in The Worlds Wife, closely relates to certain aspects of the original fairy tales written by The Grimm Brother and Charles Perrault. Duffy rewrites the original fairy tale to incorporate her strong feminist views to demonstrate the reality of the oppressed women in past and future generations. The transition from childhood to adulthood for this young girl expresses the power that most men do not realize women contain leading to the advancement of the girl from Little Red Cap. The

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