
Analysis Of Donald Trump Is Shocking, Vulgar And Right

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In the Politico Magazine, “Donald Trump is Shocking, Vulgar and Right” by Tucker Carlson shows Donald Trump’s personality. This magazine article discusses what Donald Trump would do if he becomes president. The magazine article tells us how Donald Trump came to exist in politics. The magazine article portrays Donald Trump as a person that makes decisions based on his own emotions about things. Although the decisions he make will be based on his emotions on things, but he will also make decisions that will benefit the country. Donald Trump is Shocking, Vulgar and Right, suggests that Donald Trump may not be the best choice as president, but the things he say are right.
To begin with, Donald Trump wants to action to make “a temporary ban on Muslim immigration” (Carlson). This statement makes Donald Trump seem like a crazy person which could be represented through ethos. This would make Muslims angry along with some of the middle eastern people. “Millions of Muslims have moved to Western Europe over the past 50 years, and …show more content…

Donald Trump going from a businessman into politics is something that would be difficult for most people. “He’s smart enough to know it would be tough for him to govern” (Carson). This can represent how much he wants to help the United States. “[Donald Trump] is the only candidate hard enough to call Hillary’s bluff. Republicans will say almost anything about Hillary, but almost none challenge her basic competence” (Carson 2). This can represent Donald Trump’s ignorance or how confident he is when challenging Hillary. “[Donald Trump] sees her as brittle and afraid” (Carson 2). When Donald Trump talks about other people like this can strongly hurt his credibility. This statement can represent ethos through the use of pathos. The use of pathos can be seen her because it might be Donald Trump’s true feelings about Hillary.

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